November 27, 2021

NEO vs EOS: Which is the best blockchain technology?

Blockchain technology has been a breakthrough in recent times with many companies around the world adopting it. It is an advanced technology that allows safe, secure, and effective transactions between parties.

Two blockchain technologies that have been making headlines are NEO and EOS. Both could change the future of blockchain, but which one is better? Let's compare them.


NEO is a blockchain platform developed in China in 2014 by Da Hongfei and Erik Zhang. NEO, formerly known as Antshares, is often described as the Ethereum of China. It allows users to create smart contracts and decentralized applications with ease.

NEO is based on a consensus mechanism called delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (dBFT). This consensus mechanism ensures fast transaction processing and high network performance, even under busy workloads.

NEO boasts of flexible and unique features such as the ability to support multiple programming languages including C#, Java, JavaScript, and Python. It also has a digital identity system that protects users' privacy.

In terms of market capitalization, NEO has been consistently ranked in the top 30 cryptocurrencies with a current market cap of around $4.5 billion as of November 2021.


EOS is another blockchain technology that was created by Dan Larimer, the founder of Bitshares and Steemit. It boasts of being one of the fastest blockchain technologies in the world, thanks to its delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism.

One of the most significant advantages of EOS over other blockchain technologies is its scalability. It has the capacity to perform millions of transactions per second, which is pretty impressive.

EOS is also developer-friendly with a flexible architecture that allows developers to choose their preferred programming language. This feature makes it easy for developers to create decentralized applications on the platform.

In terms of market capitalization, EOS was once a top 5 cryptocurrency, but it has dropped significantly in recent years, with a current market cap of around $3.3 billion as of November 2021.

NEO vs EOS: Which is Better?

Both NEO and EOS have their unique and strong features, making it difficult to determine which one is better. However, here are some key differences that you should consider:

  • Consensus Mechanism: NEO uses dBFT, while EOS uses DPoS. dBFT is known to be more secure than DPoS, but EOS has been proven to be faster.
  • Transaction Processing: While EOS is faster, NEO can handle more transactions per second.
  • Market Capitalization: NEO has a higher market capitalization than EOS.
  • Developer-Friendly: EOS is more developer-friendly, while NEO has more robust and flexible features.

Therefore, it depends on the use case and preference of the user. If speed is a priority, EOS may be the best option. If security and flexibility are preferred, then NEO may be the better blockchain technology.


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